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Welcome to the Edinburgh Inquirer, your new high-quality, in-depth news outlet for Scotland’s Capital.

Keep connected to what is happening in and around the city with our weekly newsletter and regular features on Edinburgh business, politics, the environment, city life, culture and food.

To get the most out of our coverage and read all our in-depth features and analysis, you can sign up as a full member and support one of Scotland’s most exciting journalism projects. Our paying members receive at least eight exclusive editions a month.

The Edinburgh Inquirer is for people who want high-quality journalism without the annoying pop-up ads or misleading ‘click bait’ headlines.

Delivered to your inbox, our newsletter editions are filled with the kind of thoughtful, in-depth journalism that you find in The Economist, The New York Times, The Guardian and The Financial Times, but only about the Edinburgh City Region.

In the hands of our award-winning writers, you won’t miss anything important, and you’ll get a deeper understanding of who and what is shaping life in our great city.

Our story

The Edinburgh Inquirer was set up in 2023 by a team of journalists working in the city with a commitment to considered and constructive reporting on city life and civic affairs.

With our backgrounds as editors and writers, we have, collectively, several decades of experience covering business, politics, news and culture in Edinburgh, across Scotland and further afield, and a commitment to the city we all call home.

Together with a team of freelance contributors based across the city region, our aim is to stimulate well-informed and evidence-based debate with the ultimate goal of helping to make Edinburgh a better place to live and work. We will also be working to encourage a new and diverse generation of younger journalists curious to find out how the city ticks.

How it works

Simply sign up to our mailing list to receive our free weekly round-up newsletter in your inbox every Monday morning as well as regular free longer reads. We won’t bother you with the mundane and inconsequential. We will keep you connected with your city, ensuring you are well-informed. If you like what you read, then please tell your friends and work colleagues and share our details - and our stories - on social media.

We hope most people will sign up as full members. This costs £8 a month or £80 a year - less than the cost of a cup of your takeaway coffee or tea every week! Discounts are available if you want to subscribe your whole team to the Inquirer. In return, you will receive at least eight exclusive editions a month, access to a members-only curated forum to debate issues online and invitations to our live events. Your support is greatly appreciated and it makes producing this kind of journalism for Edinburgh possible.

Our values

We believe in Edinburgh. Our founders all live and work here, we have raised our families here and are proud to call the city home. We want to play our part in making it a better place to live.

We believe in enterprise. Businesses - like our own - are the engines of the city, creating much of what makes it such a great place to live and work. For the city region to thrive, we have to create a sustainable environment which understands and supports the needs of its businesses. 

We believe in a sustainable future. There is a climate emergency and we all need to play our part in rising to the challenges that presents. How we can best do that will be a regular focus of our reporting.

We believe that journalism should be a power for good. The best journalism is objective and celebrates what makes our communities great, helps to find solutions and has the courage to challenge and expose when things go wrong.

We believe in collaboration and respectful public debate. None of us has all the answers. We learn the best ways forward by sharing ideas, challenging each other and finding ways to disagree agreeably.   

Meet Our Founders

  • Euan McGrory is an award-winning former Editor of titles including The Scotsman, Edinburgh Evening News and Scotland on Sunday. He has been immersed in understanding how the city works for more than 20 years. His journalism and that of the teams he has led has received widespread recognition, including winning Campaign of the Year at the Scottish Press Awards twice, Investigative Journalist of the Year, the Kate Adie Prize for Initiative in the Public Interest, and the mental health charity Mind’s UK Journalist of the Year. He is a supporter of Edinburgh Artistic Swimming Club and Dundee United FC.

  • David Forsyth is a former News Editor of the Edinburgh Evening News, winning two national press awards for his reporting during his 20-year career. Since then, he has acted as a respected communications adviser to organisations including Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, Essential Edinburgh and the Royal Society of Edinburgh as well as many blue-chip companies and organisations. He has also advised Hibernian FC at board level for many years.

  • Kenny Kemp is an award-winning journalist and writer. He is the ghost-writer and author of several books on business. He was founding Business Editor of The Sunday Herald, Editor of Scottish Business Insider magazine, and is former Editor of Business Quarter Scotland. He is an Associate of the University of Edinburgh Business School. Kenny is a follower of Hearts.

Our themes

We are a small, but committed team and have ambitions to expand as we garner the support of more paying members. We have a handful of major themes that will be our guiding lights.

These are:

  • The economy. What works and what doesn’t. From innovation and enterprise to how the council spends our money and where we live. We’ll be on the case.

  • Sustainable Edinburgh. We will examine what is needed in terms of our city infrastructure and how we move to net zero. What is holding us back? And how can we propel ourselves forward more rapidly?

  • Inspiring Edinburgh. What we love and enjoy most about the city. What makes us happy about life in the Capital. It’s about culture, the arts, music, entertainment and great food.

  • The decision-makers: Who are the rainmakers in the city? Be they the big-wigs in the local council or activists in our communities. We will be meeting them and hearing what they believe.

  • The future. What is in store for our Capital – and how we make it happen. What kind of city do we want in 2050 and beyond? 

Writing for the Inquirer

We are always on the lookout for great writing and breaking stories about Edinburgh and the people of the city region. We want to provide a platform for talented new writers as well as showcase journalism about the city from established, well-known names. If you would like to write for Edinburgh Inquirer, whether regularly, occasionally or as a one-off, then please read our pitching guide, where you will find all the correct contact details.

How can I help?

The best way you can support us is to become a paying member. You can also join our free mailing list and we always appreciate the sharing of our stories and feedback - especially positive comments - on social media. We would also love to speak to you if you are interested in sponsoring any of our newsletters. You can contact the team on editors@edinburghinquirer.co.uk.

Get in touch

If you have a story or want to suggest an issue we should be investigating, then please get in touch at editors@edinburghinquirer.co.uk. We are used to dealing with sensitive and confidential information and are always happy to speak to you directly. If you have a complaint about anything that we have published, then please follow our complaints procedure. We aim to correct any of our mistakes at the earliest possible opportunity.

Subscribe to The Edinburgh Inquirer

Thoughtful, well-informed journalism about the Edinburgh City Region from award-winning writers - join our free mailing list or support us as a paying member.
